The “bad job” from a man with perseverance can be used to create his own destiny. He left his land holder owner ship and became a labor person.
My grandfather was taught to direct people to farm his land. Made possible to put a roof and feed the first generation of my family. The labor of my grandfather moving cement bags My grandfather took his first job with pride to become a provider to our family. Grandfather “Papá Francisco” lost his family land entitled because he married my grandmother “Mamá Maria Reyes” a native from the Purepecha people. My great grandfather Francisco from my mother side was borne in a privilege family with land in the city of Guadalajara, state from Jalisco Mexico. The difference in a life of a person start with a positive attitude to get any job that is available. Life experience are saturated with struggle and there are times where a person does not start with a dream job therefore the current job will become a step to change a family. Pledge is the most important for people working in the skilled trades. I believe there is no such thing as “bad job.” I believe that all jobs are opportunities, and its up to me to make the best of them. Pledge is important to people working in the skilled trades?